

Gateway Board Revision C01 – Position shift

Instructions (Gateway board replacement)

1. Disregard the following steps if using controller software of or greater

Controller software version can be found using the TrakMaster Advanced->Firmware page.

2. Disregard the following steps if replacing a gateway board with one of the same revision

3. Perform the C01 gateway board replacement

As defined in the Operations and Maintenance manual in section: “Replace a Gateway Board”.

4. Recalibrate the encoders for the section the board was replaced on

5. Validate and reteach positions on this section

When changing Gateway Boards to C01, positions on this section will be shifted ~1mm including:

  • Targets
  • Region boundaries
  • Sync zones. Note: sync zone verification must be performed as well to ensure no collisions are introduced with this change.

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SuperTrak CONVEYANCE™ Application Note

Controller Software Boundary Upgrade

Upgrading controller software to version or newer, on systems containing C01 Gateway Boards, may cause (~1mm) position shifts. It is recommended that after the upgrade, the user performs an encoder calibration then verifies positions. Effected positions include targets, region limits, and sync limits.