The steep learning curve associated with integrating a new automated manufacturing system, and the difficulty of hiring and retaining skilled operators and maintenance technicians, creates a margin for error in operation and maintenance, which can lead to lost production hours and lower overall productivity.
Count on the subject matter experts that created your machine to train your operators and technicians to maximize performance runs. Through regularly scheduled training in the installation process, your team can learn everything from the fundamentals to the very specific, as your line is validated for production. Empowering your employees with the confidence in skills and experience to spot nuisances early is only the start of what a lifecycle plan can provide.
Lifecycle asset management helps your production optimization from day one. Taking your facility from reactionary to proactive – with less down time and more uptime so you can meet your customers increasing needs. Let us partner with you to provide the best service possible.
Additional ATS support during year 1 operations.
Opportunities for operators and maintenance technicians to work collaboratively (remotely and onsite) with ATS equipment SMEs during ramp-up to facilitate knowledge transfer.
Recommended spare parts kits to reduce lead times and optimize inventory.
Analysis of production data and key performance metrics to improve event recovery procedures and visualize line performance.
Training to help maintain and operate equipment to the highest level of asset performance, including activities such as preventive maintenance, changeovers, fault recovery and troubleshooting.
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